
The Magic Behind the Curtain: A Day in the Life at Raffles Theatre

Every performance at Raffles Theatre is a culmination of countless hours of dedication, hard work, and passion. But what really goes on behind the curtain? Join us on a journey to discover the magic that brings our shows to life.

The Morning Ritual

The theatre might seem quiet in the early hours, but there’s a hum of activity backstage. Our diligent crew is already on the scene, checking props, setting the stage, and ensuring every light is perfectly positioned.


As the sun rises higher, the actors arrive, filling the theatre with lines of dialogue, harmonious melodies, and synchronized dance routines. These rehearsals are crucial, ensuring every performance is flawless and mesmerizing.

Costume & Makeup

In the adjacent rooms, our talented designers and makeup artists work their magic. From intricate costumes that transport you to another era to makeup transformations that capture each character’s essence, their expertise is a testament to the theatre’s commitment to authenticity.

The Calm Before the Storm

Just before the show begins, there’s a palpable energy backstage. Actors run lines, crew members double-check their cues, and the director offers final words of encouragement.


A day at Raffles Theatre is filled with fervor, dedication, and an unwavering love for the craft. As the curtain falls and the applause fills the room, it’s a collective sigh of relief and joy, knowing we’ve once again brought stories to life.

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